DRAVA MONSTER hunt? Podravina's GRAND CANYON? AMAZON rainforest of river Drava? Photo DRAVA MONSTER hunt? Only 80 kilometers away from Zagreb there are real answers to this and many other questions. Unbelivable, astonishing beauty and preservation of Drava river in once non-accessible cross-border area between Hungary reveals its charms in the company of proffesionals and guides rangers/skippers/kormanoš* of Drava Documentation Center.

DRAVA MONSTER hunt? Podravina's GRAND CANYON? AMAZON rainforest of river Drava?

Only 80 kilometers away from Zagreb there are real answers to this and many other questions. Unbelivable, astonishing beauty and preservation of Drava river in once non-accessible cross-border area between Hungary reveals its charms in the company of proffesionals and guides rangers/skippers/kormanoš* of Drava Docuentation Center.

Active stay in untouched nature:


  • low-level adventure

  • robinson-like taste of nature

  • team canoe paddle in non-accessible parts of the river

  • development of community and team-building

  • navigation trough DRAVA MONSTER's habitat

  • DRAVA TWIG* – suprise in meal self-preparation

  • 15 km of real river wilderness

  • pushing, pulling, sporadic canoe portage in the places where human foot almost didn't step

  • paddle trough lakes of drinkable water

  • numerous passages over Drava on shoals of ankle hight

  • boating in wooden DRAVSKI čON

  • unbelivable and unique fotographic sites of river wilderness

  • winners of recognition STATUS OF NEW CROATIAN TURIST PRODUCT IN YEAR 2005. from Croatian National Tourist board

A few different and non rapetable routes. One day excursions, special foto-safaries, canueing, boating in DRAVSKI čON, with trained DDC crew, with unsinkable waistcoats and other high-quality euipment. Sailing in small groups.

One-day excursions from 50E. More information on www.ddc.hr or e-mail us at ddc@ddc.hr. Boating in DRAVA čON is also available in the winter period.


  • DRAVA MONSTERS are still uncaught animals which dwell in a protected zoological reserve Veliki Pažut, on the estuary of Mura in Drava. For thousands of years Drava Monsters are persistantly hiding in the untouched nature, and their phenmomenon is still testified by numerous still living witnesses 

  • Podravina GRAND CANYON – we have discovered 15 km of river wilderness in which Drava burrowed its basin, and high vertical bank gives an impression of a canyon. Because Podravina is internationally known for its high mouintains, we have named a canyon by that name

  • Amazon rainforest of river Drava represent non-descriptive coppices of Drava vegetation, numerous population of deer, wild boar, heron... Exploration of Drava armbands often ends up in hundreds of meters of real amazonian feeling

  • Kormanoš is an old podravina-međimurje local term for a raftsmen leader, in a convoy of wood materials which have descended from Dravograd all the way to Osijek on Drava river; connoisseur of Drava

  • DRAVA TWIG original DDC recipe for survival in nature. On a pearly shoal, open fire, every participate makes himself a meal on a genuine Drava twig from original podravina ingredients (“jeger”, sausage...). While the drinkable wather murmurs, in a time-out from rowing, on a fantastic air, in NEKAJ of a real nature – apetite is fantastic

  • DRAVA čON – replicas of traditional wooden Drava boats which were controlled by kormanoš, and were used for transport of people, cattle, goods, materials and fire wood from one bank to another, up and downstream of Drava river. These are the biggest wooden boats on Drava according to the ragistration catalogue of Harbour Master's Office of Osijek.