Tavern Tomic

Our little village is situated in the island of Brac. This is one of the oldest settlements on the island. So with our family, one of the oldest families of ancient times still lives there, and agricultural products and livestock products. For your needs, and now more recently for the purposes Restaurant - Taverns, which is located in the old family house in an old wine cellar that is tavern. Our properties are located in the vicinity of the village. On our ranch 6 km away which is called "Kosher" breed horses, mules, donkeys, cows, calves, goats, kid, sheep, lambs, chickens, pigs and other livestock. All this our home Eco meat, we eat our guests in the restaurant - tavern. See photos of agritourism.

Our little village is situated in the island of Brac. This is one of the oldest settlements on the island. So with our family, one of the oldest families of ancient times still lives there, and agricultural products and livestock products. For your needs, and now more recently for the purposes Restaurant - Taverns, which is located in the old family house in an old wine cellar that is tavern. Our properties are located in the vicinity of the village.

On our ranch 6 km away which is called "Kosher" breed horses, mules, donkeys, cows, calves, goats, kid, sheep, lambs, chickens, pigs and other livestock. All this our home Eco meat, we eat with our guests in the restaurant - tavern. See photos of agritourism.

The ranch "Kosher" on the coast, is a beautiful beach "Paklina" with its three bays, which are also in our family owned. This is one of the most beautiful beaches for swimming and sunbathing. The "Paklina" by the sea are vineyards and plantations of fig and olive trees. Since we make wine, brandy, sherry and olive oil.Home-Garden is located near the family home in the village. Here we grow potatoes, onions, garlic, tomatoes, cabbage and other vegetables.

All of our homemade products are available in Restaurant - Tavern. And also what is most important, local fresh bread baked in our bread oven.


Tavern (restaurant) is located in the old family house 800 years old tavern is a dalmatian name for a wine cellar.

It really is an old wine cellar with its old and rustic objects and things from ancient times. There is an old wine press - Turan, large wooden barrels and old Badanj for fermentation of wine. Wine production is done in all those old barrels and old principles as before. The tavern is an old oil press - toc, old oysters for oil storage, millstone - mill for grinding corn, wheat, etc, and many other things typical of old Dalmatian taverns.

We offer food and drinks at the restaurant we offer all of our domestic products. From Drinks:

  • Domestic wine;black and white,
  • Homemade sherry (dessert wine)
  • Homemade brandy, grape brandy, bitters, orahovica with you going home and dry figs.

From the food we offer:

  • Appetizers: smoked ham, cheese, salted fish, homemade soups, lamb tripe, pasta beans ...
  • Main dishes: homemade lamb, goat, veal, beef, pork, chicken and all kinds of fresh fish from our Adriatic Sea
  • All types of domestic items; potatoes in the ashes, chard, olives, young Kapulica, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce ...

And all that is in our luxurious garden, and most importantly we offer each day and fresh warm bread from an old bread oven, and homemade cakes for dessert, characteristic for the island of Brac.

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Prognoza vremena za Brač
Prognoza vremena za Brač
Prognoza vremena za Brač
Prognoza vremena za Brač
Prognoza vremena za Brač
Prognoza vremena za Brač
Prognoza vremena za Brač